Fáilte Romhat!
Welcome to the Website for Ballyadams' National School.
Welcome to our school website. We are a four mainstream school with two special classes for children with Autism. We are a Catholic co-educational school located in scenic Ballyadams, Co. Laois. We are very much rooted in the community and grateful to the support we receive from the parish community as a whole. We are a busy school and we take great pride in all the curricular and extra-curricular activities we provide to the pupils in Ballyadams. Please take your time to browse through our website.
Remember you can also follow us on twitter @ballyadamsns.
Our Green Schools motto is 'Show your worth, be good to the earth'.
Our Active School motto is 'Exercise a lot give it your best shot'.
Our School Motto
Ní neart go cur le chéile
We are stronger together
Remember you can also follow us on twitter @ballyadamsns.
Our Green Schools motto is 'Show your worth, be good to the earth'.
Our Active School motto is 'Exercise a lot give it your best shot'.
Our School Motto
Ní neart go cur le chéile
We are stronger together
Halloween Walk 2024!
We enjoyed a wonderful Halloween Walk in Ballyadams N.S. Our traditional annual Halloween Walk was a great success with a frightful mix of ghouls, goblins and colourful characters! Well done to all the children and their families and thanks to all our parents for stewarding as well as many of our school community who joined us in this simple but very enjoyable school tradition. Have a look at some of the pictures from our Halloween Walk below!
Highlights from our School Year 23/24.
Mr Máirtín Mullooly Retirement Celebrations
We bid goodbye to Ballyadams N.S school legend Mr Máirtín Mullooly in the last few days. It was an emotional and moving week of goodbye's and celebrations as we marked the incredible contribution Máirtín has made to our school over 27+ years in Ballyadams. We will be forever grateful of the positive and nurturing influence Máirtín provided to generations of families that came through the school and the wonderful colleague and friend to all he was to all. Míle buíochas a chara Máirtín. We wish Máirtín every joy, blessing and happiness in his well earned retirement.
You may view images of our Whole School Assebly for Mr Mullooly and the celebrations and presentations that took place in the school for Mr Mullooly throughout the week. There are video's also of the Bell Ringing Ceremony we performed for Mr Mullooly and Mr Mullooly & Mr Stapleton speaking to parent(s) who gathered at the school to wish Mr Mullooly well last week.
You may view images of our Whole School Assebly for Mr Mullooly and the celebrations and presentations that took place in the school for Mr Mullooly throughout the week. There are video's also of the Bell Ringing Ceremony we performed for Mr Mullooly and Mr Mullooly & Mr Stapleton speaking to parent(s) who gathered at the school to wish Mr Mullooly well last week.
Mr Mullooly Bell Ringing!
Mr Mullooly Addressing Parent(s)
Mr Stapleton Thanking Mr Mullooly
St Joseph's Senior Champions 2023 School Visit!
All the school delighted in welcoming their local heroes today. Many members of the St Joseph's Senior Football Team and Brendan Dunne, Daniel Nelligan, Anne Dempsey and guests joined the celebrations. Thanks to all for joining us today and bringing the Jack Delaney Cup for a special visit to his new home!
Bike Safety Art Competition Winners 2023.
Congratulations to Alexander, James, Cillian and Jack who were our 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners.
Bike Week 2022!
La Fhéile Phádraig 2022!
Bhain na páistí a lán sult is spraoi as an lá inniu chun 'Lá Fhéile Phádraig' a chéiliíúradh!
The children enjoyed today enormously as we donned all manner of eadai glas / green to celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Ballyadams N.S. Well done to all the children for making the day extra special and such a success today. The children celebrated Seachtain Na Gaeilge throughout the week and enjoyed their Tráth na Gceist immensely with Quizmaster Mr Mullooly. We wish all families in our school community a pleasant and enjoyable St. Patrick's Day.
The children enjoyed today enormously as we donned all manner of eadai glas / green to celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Ballyadams N.S. Well done to all the children for making the day extra special and such a success today. The children celebrated Seachtain Na Gaeilge throughout the week and enjoyed their Tráth na Gceist immensely with Quizmaster Mr Mullooly. We wish all families in our school community a pleasant and enjoyable St. Patrick's Day.
We are holding our a Ballyadams original whole school fundraiser and we would like you to take part!
Ballyadams NS is reaching out to the wider Ballyadams community to help us raise funds to ensure the continued growth and prosperity of our school. The past 18 months have prevented many of our face to face fundraising events and we are calling on friends, past pupils and all members our Ballyadams N.S school community to take part in our unique November Challenge!
We are organising a 'kick and donate' event – the Ballyadams N.S Penalty Kick Challenge November Fundraiser! Starting on Monday 15th for the following three weeks we are inviting everyone to take a penalty, record it on video and share it on their Facebook pages and nominate a friend to take part! Most importantly all challengers are asked to donate to our Ballyadams N.S fundrais.er on the www.iDonate.ie website page
Cut and paste the following link into your browser to donate! https://www.idonate.ie/fundraiser/11421170_ballyadams-n-s-penalty-kick-november-challenge-fundraiser-.html
“Ní neart go cur le chéile” or 'together we are stronger' is our school motto. With your help and working together we can achieve our fundraising goal!
Please visit www.ballyadamsns.com or contact us in the school during the week 0598627226 for any further information.
All support is very much appreciated whether you opt to take a penalty or just support our school!
Science Week November 2021 Ballyadams N.S
Please visit our Photo Gallery section of the website in the 'more' section on the menu above to view the magic and wonder of Science Week in Ballyadams in November!
September 2021
Sacrament Of First Penance Celebrations
The children in Ms Holden's 3rd & 4th Class celebrated the Sacrament Of First Penance Thursday 16th September. The children were treated to a special party in their honour back in Ballyadams N.S. Thanks to the Parents Council for organising the treats and wonderful First Confession cake! Well done to the boys and girls.
The children in Ms Holden's 3rd & 4th Class celebrated the Sacrament Of First Penance Thursday 16th September. The children were treated to a special party in their honour back in Ballyadams N.S. Thanks to the Parents Council for organising the treats and wonderful First Confession cake! Well done to the boys and girls.
Junior & Senior Infants 2021
We are especially proud of the boys and girls in Junior & Senior Infants in recent weeks. All 17 new pupils and our new pupil in Senior Infants have transitioned very well to school life in Ballyadams N.S. The children have been very creative and busy bees in their new class. Thanks to Ms Murren & Ms Westgate for all their efforts to ensure the children are happy safe and thriving in their new school. Well done to all the children.
We look forward to welcoming all our new pupils in Junior Infants to Ballyadams N.S in the new school year!
Sailing Into Summer!We would love you to visit the Photo Gallery section of our school website to view all the activities and learning taking place in Ballyadams N.S in recent times! See the dropdown menu above to catch up on the latest goings on and events in Ballyadams N.S!
'Move & Groove' Easter Challenge Please click on the link below to find out more information about the 'Move & Groove' Active Family campaign organised by our past pupils Audrey & Timmy Byrne.
The 'Move & Groove' campaign is based on people taking part in a physical activity of choice and getting other family members and friends involved in completing a physical activity too! The campaign is to raise awareness and much needed funds for the 'Night Nurses' service which plays a very important role for the families of those battling cancer. We commend Audrey & Timmy for their creativity and ingenuity to put this campaign together. Best of luck to all families who get involved in the 'Move & Groove' campaign! You can read all about the campaign in an article published in this week's Laois Nationalist on the following link https://laois-nationalist.ie/2021/04/05/move-or-groove-for-the-irish-cancer-society-this-easter/
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Active Week June 2020!
Active Week June 2020
JoyInJune in Ballyadams N.S
Here is our Active Challenge from past pupil Aidan Brennan. Aidan is a teacher in Co. Dublin and a Senior Gaelic Football player with St.Joseph's. Aidan took time this week to set a super fun challenge for all the boys and girls in Ballyadams N.S for Active Week!
Aidan fondly remembers his years in school in Ballyadams N.S and in the video speaks of his memories playing football in the C.M.N.B under the guidance of Mr Mullooly.
Thank you Aidan for your time and enthusiasm. We especially admire Aidan's ability to skillfully solo the football on both feet while weaving through the cones. Can you master the Active Week Challenge?
It's time to get active with Aidan's Challenge everybody. Have a look and have lots of fun doing it yourself! Your Parents may share your efforts with your Class Teacher!
Younger pupils may like to change the challenge to make it more suitable - perhaps try bouncing the ball instead of solo's!
Have a look at Aidan and have lots of fun doing it yourself!
The boys and girls are having enormous fun during Active Week whilst also developing the fundamental movement skills of kicking, catching, running, throwing and balancing. Superb examples above and below of the children in Ballyadams N.S staying especially active this week!
Have a look at our awesome timetable for Active Week and the brilliant games and activities lined up for all children this week!
Thanks to Ms Malone and all the teachers for putting together a fabulous choice of active games and activIties!
Any pictures or short video's of pupils partaking in Active Week may be shared with your teacher and may feature on our school website / Twitter / School Video Compilation Video. If Parent (s) wish they may share an image / short video (20 seconds / 30 seconds) with your child's teacher on Aladdin Connect or our Teachers School Email Address.
We hope all our pupils and families embrace Active Week activities and enjoy themselves :-)
Please click on the files below to open the weekly & daily timetables for all classes!

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A message for all the boys and girls in Ballyadams N.S
All our staff and teachers would like to say a big hello to the boys and girls and their families. It is not an easy time for families, children and teachers. We all miss seeing each other and our beautiful school in Ballyadams.
There is always hope and it is comforting to have faith that all will get better in time. Each teacher has chosen a special uplifting quality or word of encouragement for the children. We like to think of these qualities as the superpowers all the children possess.
Staying Positive - Sparkle - Courage - Laughing & Smiling - Wellbeing - Teamwork - Nature - Fun - Unity.
Take care, stay safe and remember; you are doing your best, you are doing enough and all will be well.
Ní neart go cur le chéile,
Teachers and Staff in Ballyadams N.S
There is always hope and it is comforting to have faith that all will get better in time. Each teacher has chosen a special uplifting quality or word of encouragement for the children. We like to think of these qualities as the superpowers all the children possess.
Staying Positive - Sparkle - Courage - Laughing & Smiling - Wellbeing - Teamwork - Nature - Fun - Unity.
Take care, stay safe and remember; you are doing your best, you are doing enough and all will be well.
Ní neart go cur le chéile,
Teachers and Staff in Ballyadams N.S
Book Collection Arrangements 23.5.2020
Collection of Schoolbooks - Saturday 23-5-2020 *(Weather Permitting)*
*Book Collection is taking place for 3rd & 4th Class and 5th Class only.
*Book Collection for 3rd & 4th Class will take place between 9 – 10am.
*Book Collection for 5th Class will take place from 11.00 – 11.30am.
* *Strict adherence* to all HSE Guidelines around Covid -19 will apply, as
* Parents may *park in the Church Car Park*, (observing recommended
distances from each other).
* Parents may *enter* *from the Church Car Park path* and *exit*
through the front school gate only**. A one way system will be in operation.
* *Parents /Adults only* collecting (*Strictly No Children Please*).
* Books will be laid out in labelled bags / folders in the front yard of
the school.
**Bring a strong bag (or two or a box),* especially if you are collecting
for more than one child.
*(If you are collecting books for children in both 3rd / 4th & 5th Classes, please collect all your
children’s books when you come to collect your youngest child’s books)*
* Please observe *at least** 2 metres distancing at all times*, (in the
car-park / entering and exiting the school grounds / in the school yard
when collecting).
* Please *move** off** from the school yard / car-park as soon as you have
collected* your child’s books so as to adhere to the social distancing
guidelines and in order to make way for the next group of parents arriving.
* Wearing of gloves/mask is at your own discretion. Hand sanitizer will be provided and parents may bring / use their own hand sanitizer if they wish to do so.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation with the procedures.
Handwriting Competition 1st and 2nd Class.
Well done to every child who entered our Handwriting Competiton. The standard was so high. So many children put in a huge effort and in some cases did up to five drafts of their work to have it just right. It was very difficult to pick a winner. All enteries can be seen if you click on classes above and go to our class section, Ms.Malone. I think you will really enjoy reading all the entries.
Everyone who entered should be so proud of their work.
The overall winner is Lar Harrington. Congratualtions Lar!

Other winners are:
1st Class 2nd Class
First Place: Saoirse First Place: D.J
Second Place: Éamon Second Place: Alex
Third Place: Harry Third Place: Davin
1st Class 2nd Class
First Place: Saoirse First Place: D.J
Second Place: Éamon Second Place: Alex
Third Place: Harry Third Place: Davin
Standardised Testing 2020 Cancelled
In normal circumstances primary schools are required to administer standardised testing during the period May/June for all students in 2nd, 4th and 6th classes. As all schools are currently closed under COVID-19 restrictions and with uncertainty as to when schools will reopen, the Department of Education and Skills has made the decision to cancel Standardised Testing for primary schools for the 2019/2020 school year.
The Department of Education and Skills said:
The priority in these times is to support the learning and wellbeing of all our learners. This is not an easy time for teachers, learners and their families. When schools return the focus for teachers and the whole school community will be on settling the children and returning to normality in the classroom without the added pressure of having to undertake standardised tests.
The Department of Education and Skills said:
The priority in these times is to support the learning and wellbeing of all our learners. This is not an easy time for teachers, learners and their families. When schools return the focus for teachers and the whole school community will be on settling the children and returning to normality in the classroom without the added pressure of having to undertake standardised tests.
Aladdin Connect
We are excited to announce the launch of Aladdin Connect in Ballyadams N.S.
Aladdin Connect will further enhance the connection between the school and all families in our school community. Aladdin Connect will facilitate more effective communication between the school, parents and our pupils along with many additional features and benefits as outlined in the letter below.
The letter below provides a detailed explanation and important information for all families in relation to Aladdin Connect.
Please read the letter to find out steps in relation to upcoming registration for all families to the Aladdin Connect App.
Míle buíochas.
Aladdin Connect will further enhance the connection between the school and all families in our school community. Aladdin Connect will facilitate more effective communication between the school, parents and our pupils along with many additional features and benefits as outlined in the letter below.
The letter below provides a detailed explanation and important information for all families in relation to Aladdin Connect.
Please read the letter to find out steps in relation to upcoming registration for all families to the Aladdin Connect App.
Míle buíochas.

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Learning Frameworks 27th - 29th April
Well done to all our pupils and their families for your amazing efforts to continue learning at home in very challenging circumstances. All the teachers in Ballyadams N.S miss their pupils and are eagerly looking forward to the day we will see you again and we will return to our beautiful school!
Please find below the suggested Learning Frameworks for each class for next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Learning content has been split in a day by day format for the children. Our teachers are contactable by their school email address and would be delighted to view and offer feedback and support to pupils throughout the week
In the Resources section of our website we have uploaded our Virtual Tour destinations. If the children would like a break from the learning material below they may like to explore the Wonders Of The World or remotely visit the world's topmost galeries and museums from home.
A Draft Admissions Policy has been uploaded to the Policies section of our website. Please view at your convenience over the coming week and contact Mr Stapleton if you have any queries. We will be submitting our Draft Admissions Policy to our Patron for consideration in due course.
Aladdin Connect Update - 26.4.2020
We will use Aladdin Connect to communicate with families and provide learning material for next Thursday 30th April and Friday 1st May. Aladdin Connect will be the primary point of sharing and exchanging learning material between the school and homes going forward from that point onwards. The Aladdin Connect App will enhance communication between teachers, parents and pupils and the foster a greater connection between the school and all families.
Activation Codes will be communicated to all parents tomorrow from midday. Please read the information letter above this section for further details.
Should you require assistance completing the registration process please contact Mr Stapleton or Pam.
Thank you for your support and cooperation in the weeks ahead as we implement and embed this new school system.
Please find below the suggested Learning Frameworks for each class for next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Learning content has been split in a day by day format for the children. Our teachers are contactable by their school email address and would be delighted to view and offer feedback and support to pupils throughout the week
In the Resources section of our website we have uploaded our Virtual Tour destinations. If the children would like a break from the learning material below they may like to explore the Wonders Of The World or remotely visit the world's topmost galeries and museums from home.
A Draft Admissions Policy has been uploaded to the Policies section of our website. Please view at your convenience over the coming week and contact Mr Stapleton if you have any queries. We will be submitting our Draft Admissions Policy to our Patron for consideration in due course.
Aladdin Connect Update - 26.4.2020
We will use Aladdin Connect to communicate with families and provide learning material for next Thursday 30th April and Friday 1st May. Aladdin Connect will be the primary point of sharing and exchanging learning material between the school and homes going forward from that point onwards. The Aladdin Connect App will enhance communication between teachers, parents and pupils and the foster a greater connection between the school and all families.
Activation Codes will be communicated to all parents tomorrow from midday. Please read the information letter above this section for further details.
Should you require assistance completing the registration process please contact Mr Stapleton or Pam.
Thank you for your support and cooperation in the weeks ahead as we implement and embed this new school system.
Ms Doyle - Junior & Senior Infants

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Ms Malone - 1st & 2nd Class
Ms Murray - 3rd & 4th Class

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Mr Mullooly - 5th Class

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Ms Holden - 6th Class

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First Holy Communion and Confirmation Message.
Bishop Denis has shared the following message for families and pupils who were due to celebrate their First Confession / First Holy Communion & the Sacrament of Confirmation.
First Holy Communion & Confirmation: I am very aware that we are entering the ‘high season’ for First Holy Communion ceremonies. I am also conscious that 39 out of our 56 parishes have not yet celebrated Confirmation. In honesty it is difficult to see a huge change post the current restrictions, which expire on May 5th. With that in mind, as First Holy Communion ceremonies are already diaried for the weekends of May, I suggest they, like Confirmation ceremonies are now postponed until we get further guidance regarding large public gatherings.
I want to thank our Principals and teachers for the great work they do in helping prepare our young people for the sacraments, work done in cooperation with the local parish and the families of the young people. I also thank Maeve Mahon, our Coordinator for Primary Education. This is a hugely regretful decision, but it is important that while the ceremonies may be postponed, the preparation continues. In early May resources will be sent out by email from Maeve for parishes and for schools and available to families and the wider community on the KandLe website.
Bishop Nulty.
I want to thank our Principals and teachers for the great work they do in helping prepare our young people for the sacraments, work done in cooperation with the local parish and the families of the young people. I also thank Maeve Mahon, our Coordinator for Primary Education. This is a hugely regretful decision, but it is important that while the ceremonies may be postponed, the preparation continues. In early May resources will be sent out by email from Maeve for parishes and for schools and available to families and the wider community on the KandLe website.
Bishop Nulty.
Learning Frameworks April 20th - 24th
We hope all our pupils enjoyed their Easter break, chocolate eggs and the beautiful sunshine.
All our teachers miss all the pupils greatly and look forward to returning to school in the not too distant future. Please continue to stay safe at home. Your patience and hard work is helping tremendously. Keep up the good work boys and girls. We are very proud of you all.
Please find below Learning Frameworks for each class for the coming week 20 - 24th April.
The Learning Frameworks are a support and guide to assist learning from home. Learning Frameworks are suggested material for children to carry out and engage upon at home. Parents can assist children in sharing samples of work with their Class Teacher by emailing work samples be it poems, drawings, stories or completed work to the Teachers School Email Address if they wish to do so.
Best wishes to all our pupils for the week ahead.
Please see our 'Resources' section of our website for regularly updated helpful resources.
The 'Great Isolation Activity Book' and 'Time Capsule' project activity have been recently uploaded and may prove enjoyable in the week ahead to complement learning material as suggested by your class teacher.
All our teachers miss all the pupils greatly and look forward to returning to school in the not too distant future. Please continue to stay safe at home. Your patience and hard work is helping tremendously. Keep up the good work boys and girls. We are very proud of you all.
Please find below Learning Frameworks for each class for the coming week 20 - 24th April.
The Learning Frameworks are a support and guide to assist learning from home. Learning Frameworks are suggested material for children to carry out and engage upon at home. Parents can assist children in sharing samples of work with their Class Teacher by emailing work samples be it poems, drawings, stories or completed work to the Teachers School Email Address if they wish to do so.
Best wishes to all our pupils for the week ahead.
Please see our 'Resources' section of our website for regularly updated helpful resources.
The 'Great Isolation Activity Book' and 'Time Capsule' project activity have been recently uploaded and may prove enjoyable in the week ahead to complement learning material as suggested by your class teacher.
Junior & Senior Infants - Ms Dolye

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1st & 2nd Class - Ms Malone

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1st & 2nd Resources
3rd & 4th Class - Ms Murray

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Resources 3rd & 4th

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5th Class - Mr Mullooly

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6th Class - Ms Holden
Easter 2020
In the above picture are the staff of St.Vincent's Hospital in Athy. Our incredible Parents Council coordinated the safe delivery of Easter Eggs on behalf of the children to the staff and patients of St.Vincent's in recent days!
Even during a rare moment not meeting the needs of the many patients the staff are setting a fine example to us all observing the correct social distancing space between each other. We are truly indebted to those working steadfastly to curb the Virus in our communities and hospitals.
We are incredibly proud of all those in our school community who show such kindness and compassion in the midst of difficult and challenging times. This gesture exemplifies the spirit of kindness in Ballyadams N.S. The boys and girls can be extremely proud of themselves that the Easter Eggs found a very good home in St.Vincent's Hospital in Athy.
We would also like to applaud the generosity of one of our 3rd Class pupils who made an extremely generous donation to Athy Community Services in recent times. Luke decided to donate his holiday money to essential services in Athy. We are incredibly proud of Luke and all our pupils who show such compassion and kindness in these challenging times.
Ní neart go cur le chéile.
Even during a rare moment not meeting the needs of the many patients the staff are setting a fine example to us all observing the correct social distancing space between each other. We are truly indebted to those working steadfastly to curb the Virus in our communities and hospitals.
We are incredibly proud of all those in our school community who show such kindness and compassion in the midst of difficult and challenging times. This gesture exemplifies the spirit of kindness in Ballyadams N.S. The boys and girls can be extremely proud of themselves that the Easter Eggs found a very good home in St.Vincent's Hospital in Athy.
We would also like to applaud the generosity of one of our 3rd Class pupils who made an extremely generous donation to Athy Community Services in recent times. Luke decided to donate his holiday money to essential services in Athy. We are incredibly proud of Luke and all our pupils who show such compassion and kindness in these challenging times.
Ní neart go cur le chéile.
Easter Message
Dear Parents,
I hope you and your families are all well. I would like to wish a Happy Easter to all families and pupils from the staff in Ballyadams N.S.
Please visit the Resources section of our school website accessible from the drop down menu of the website in order to access material the children may like to engage with throughout the Easter holidays.
'The Great Isolation Activity Book' has been recently completed by an Irish Teacher and made available at no cost for all to use and enjoy. This valuable resource is located as the most recent inclusion to the 'Resources' section of the website.
An 'Easter Time Capule Activity pack' and excellent 'Wellbeing Journal' and 'Holy Week' Easter activities and information are accessible in the 'Resources' section of the website.
Whilst the children have not been assigned prescribed learning activities over the Easter break we hope the resources above may be helpful to all families.
Beannachtaí na Casca oraibh go léir.
Le meas,
I hope you and your families are all well. I would like to wish a Happy Easter to all families and pupils from the staff in Ballyadams N.S.
Please visit the Resources section of our school website accessible from the drop down menu of the website in order to access material the children may like to engage with throughout the Easter holidays.
'The Great Isolation Activity Book' has been recently completed by an Irish Teacher and made available at no cost for all to use and enjoy. This valuable resource is located as the most recent inclusion to the 'Resources' section of the website.
An 'Easter Time Capule Activity pack' and excellent 'Wellbeing Journal' and 'Holy Week' Easter activities and information are accessible in the 'Resources' section of the website.
Whilst the children have not been assigned prescribed learning activities over the Easter break we hope the resources above may be helpful to all families.
Beannachtaí na Casca oraibh go léir.
Le meas,
Children's Creations From Home!
Míle buíochas to all the children for your hard work and efforts at home this week. We know it is frustrating being away from your friends and teachers and we miss you all. A big thank you to children for sharing your work or samples of fun activities you are doing at home with your teachers! Remember even though we are apart it is by sharing and caring we stay together. Have a look at the beautiful poetry and artwork shared with us from our pupils.
Thanks Aoibheann and Niall for sharing your prized creations with us. Please have a read of the beautiful poems below which are a fitting tribute to our Frontline Heroes putting our needs before their own at present. Thank you to our poets Aoibheann and Niall and indeed all our Frontline Heroes!
Thank you Maria for sharing a lovely home made boardgame and a very creative St.Joseph's themed robot! Ailbhe has kindly shared her informative diary entries and a beautiful piece of recount writing. We look forward to publishing more samples of the children's creations in the coming weeks!
Don't forget to follow our school Twitter account @ballyadamsns for regular updates and posts.
Thanks Aoibheann and Niall for sharing your prized creations with us. Please have a read of the beautiful poems below which are a fitting tribute to our Frontline Heroes putting our needs before their own at present. Thank you to our poets Aoibheann and Niall and indeed all our Frontline Heroes!
Thank you Maria for sharing a lovely home made boardgame and a very creative St.Joseph's themed robot! Ailbhe has kindly shared her informative diary entries and a beautiful piece of recount writing. We look forward to publishing more samples of the children's creations in the coming weeks!
Don't forget to follow our school Twitter account @ballyadamsns for regular updates and posts.
N.E.P.S Podcast
Please follow the link below to access podcast from the National Educational Psychological Service or N.E.P.S on the important topic of relaxation techniques for children. (Ctrl & click to access the link)
Learning Frameworks
30.3.2020 - 3.4.2020
Please find below suggested Learning Frameworks for all classes from our class teachers. Children may engage with the learning material throughout the week as appropriate and as feasible in each home. Further Learning Frameworks will be posted here following the traditional Easter Break. Please follow our School Website and School Twitter Account @ballyadamsns for up to date information and helpful posts throughout this exceptional school closure. We will continue to use the TextaparentApp to remain in contact with all families.
We wish all the children and their families, our staff and their families and all friends of Ballyadams N.S every blessing and health in the coming days and weeks. Please 'Stay safe and stay at home'. Have faith and have courage. All will be well.
'Duiseach le duthract le breacadh an lae' Begin each day with enthusiasm. Michael O'Muircheartaigh.
Please find optional 'Wellbeing' activities for children in both the Junior ( - 3rd Class) and Senior (4th - 6th) classes.
We wish all the children and their families, our staff and their families and all friends of Ballyadams N.S every blessing and health in the coming days and weeks. Please 'Stay safe and stay at home'. Have faith and have courage. All will be well.
'Duiseach le duthract le breacadh an lae' Begin each day with enthusiasm. Michael O'Muircheartaigh.
Please find optional 'Wellbeing' activities for children in both the Junior ( - 3rd Class) and Senior (4th - 6th) classes.
Junior & Senior Infants
Ms Doyle Junior & Senior Infants 30.3.2020 - 3.4.2020

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1st & 2nd Class
Ms Malone 1st & 2nd Class 30.3.2020 - 3.4.2020

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Activity sheets 1st & 2nd

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3rd & 4th Class
Ms Murray 3rd & 4th Class 30.3.2020 - 3.4.2020

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Activities links

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5th Class
Mr Mullooly 5th Class 30.3.2020 - 3.4.2020

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6th Class
Ms Holden 6th Class 30.3.2020 0 3.4.2020

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Pupil Wellbeing
Fiona Forman the author of the Weaving Wellbeing series will kindly be making her series available digitally next week for all schools. In the meantime the teachers in Ballyadamas have put together simple and accessible activities for Senior pupils 4th - 6th and Junior pupils - 3rd Class.
Suitable for all children and in particular children who are feeling a little worried at this time.
Remember to access the N.E.P.S (National Educational Psychological Service) resources for Parents & Pupils located a little lower on this page. They contain helpful and thorough strategies in relation to breathing techniques, calming strategies and how to set up a healthy daily routine at home during this uncertain time which can be very challenging for both parents and pupils.
Suitable for all children and in particular children who are feeling a little worried at this time.
Remember to access the N.E.P.S (National Educational Psychological Service) resources for Parents & Pupils located a little lower on this page. They contain helpful and thorough strategies in relation to breathing techniques, calming strategies and how to set up a healthy daily routine at home during this uncertain time which can be very challenging for both parents and pupils.
Wellbeing for Senior Classes 4th - 6th

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Please take your time between reading the questions and attempting the suggested activities. Try taking a few deep belly breaths before attempting any activity. Remember to remind yourself to be present 'Be here now' before starting the wellbeing lesson. Don't forget to check out the weblink to Kid - President at the end for a very uplifting and fun video :-)
Wellbeing for Junior Classes up to 3rd
Try out the new Wellbeing rap or make up your own wellbeing song using the words of the rap! Talk about your happiness list and draw your pot of gold with real treasures in your life!

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Letter to families 25.3.2020
A letter was posted to homes this week expressing our concern and solidarity as a staff for the health and wellbeing of all families in our school community at this extraordinary time. Details regarding distance learning and suggested learning material for the children were outlined in the letter to all homes. Further details highlighting useful home learning resources have been added to the original posted letter and are available to download / view below.
Please see the 'Useful Websites' section of our website in the 'Parents' section for a comprehensive suite of helpful suggested activities, resources and online material & weblinks.
Please see the 'Useful Websites' section of our website in the 'Parents' section for a comprehensive suite of helpful suggested activities, resources and online material & weblinks.

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National Educational Psychological Service
Advice for Parents & Pupils
Please find in the files below information packs for both Parents and pupils from the National Educational Psychological Service.
We would recommend all families familiarize themselves with the advice provided and then use and apply strategies or ideas would work or might help in your own family context to support the home life and the children from both an educational and emotional context at this time.
The attached files offers useful advice in terms of how to establish routines, approach schoolwork at home and tips in relation to talking to your child at this unusual and worrying time. There is a sample of a structured timetable which some homes may find useful. Please remember every family situation is unique and as such the advice proffered here is suggested. It may be be applied as appropriate to your own family situation.
The pupil advice section outlines some excellent strategies for the children to use at this extraordinary time. It is particularly of note to children who may be experiencing anxiety or feelings of upset at this time. The advice pack carries the message for our young people to stay responsible, stay informed, stay calm, stay connected and stay positive. It has a range of deep breathing activities, effective timetabling practices, and visualization techniques to promote feelings of wellbeing.
We hope you find the information helpful at this
We would recommend all families familiarize themselves with the advice provided and then use and apply strategies or ideas would work or might help in your own family context to support the home life and the children from both an educational and emotional context at this time.
The attached files offers useful advice in terms of how to establish routines, approach schoolwork at home and tips in relation to talking to your child at this unusual and worrying time. There is a sample of a structured timetable which some homes may find useful. Please remember every family situation is unique and as such the advice proffered here is suggested. It may be be applied as appropriate to your own family situation.
The pupil advice section outlines some excellent strategies for the children to use at this extraordinary time. It is particularly of note to children who may be experiencing anxiety or feelings of upset at this time. The advice pack carries the message for our young people to stay responsible, stay informed, stay calm, stay connected and stay positive. It has a range of deep breathing activities, effective timetabling practices, and visualization techniques to promote feelings of wellbeing.
We hope you find the information helpful at this

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Feast Day of St.Joseph
Today March 19th we celebrate the feast day of St.Joseph husband of Mary. Please consider reading the prayer below at home before a meal or family gathering. Downloadable fun packs relating to St.Joseph are accessible beneath the prayer.

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Covid 19 Coronavirus
School Closure 12.3.2020 - 29.3.2020 pending further notice.
Children were supplied with an information note going home today Thursday 12th March.
Children were given work packs with suggested work to complete over the course of the exceptional school closure.
Links to useful information and educational resources for children and families to use is outlined in the useful websites section of the school website accessible from the drop down bar above.
Department of Education has highlighted www.scoilnet.ie as a valuable resource tool for distance learning at this time.
I would like to wish all our families every good wish and continued good health in the coming weeks.
Ní neart go cur le chéile.
Le meas,
School Closure 12.3.2020 - 29.3.2020 pending further notice.
Children were supplied with an information note going home today Thursday 12th March.
Children were given work packs with suggested work to complete over the course of the exceptional school closure.
Links to useful information and educational resources for children and families to use is outlined in the useful websites section of the school website accessible from the drop down bar above.
Department of Education has highlighted www.scoilnet.ie as a valuable resource tool for distance learning at this time.
I would like to wish all our families every good wish and continued good health in the coming weeks.
Ní neart go cur le chéile.
Le meas,
Free Twinkl Membership for parents
Twinkl.ie are offering a one month free ultimate membership to resources for all curricular subjects from junior infants to sixth class.
Set Up
1) Go to www.twinkl.ie/offer
2) enter code IRLTWINKLHELPS
This allows parents the opportunity to transform their home into a classroom by being able to access powerpoints, games, songs, rhymes, stories, worksheets.
Please see the Parents section of our website for links to useful websites for both children in the junior & senior sections of the school.
Set Up
1) Go to www.twinkl.ie/offer
2) enter code IRLTWINKLHELPS
This allows parents the opportunity to transform their home into a classroom by being able to access powerpoints, games, songs, rhymes, stories, worksheets.
Please see the Parents section of our website for links to useful websites for both children in the junior & senior sections of the school.
Chief Medical Officer Statement
Dear Parent (s),
please find below a press release from the Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan in relation to latest information and implications for schools & the Covid - 19 Coronavirus.
There is a downloadable link below entitled, 'Talking to young people about Covid - 19'. Please utilize this access when discussing the Covid - 19 virus with the children.
We continue to encourage best practice and safe hygiene in Ballyadams and will continue to inform all families of developments. Public Health officials will be in contact with schools where appropriate and necessary.
*Please ensure your contact information with the school is up to date / call the office 059 8627226 as soon as possible to provide any changes to to your contact information*
Please follow www.hse.ie / www.gov.ie/health for up to date information as the situation continues to change.
Many thanks,
Rory Stapleton
please find below a press release from the Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan in relation to latest information and implications for schools & the Covid - 19 Coronavirus.
There is a downloadable link below entitled, 'Talking to young people about Covid - 19'. Please utilize this access when discussing the Covid - 19 virus with the children.
We continue to encourage best practice and safe hygiene in Ballyadams and will continue to inform all families of developments. Public Health officials will be in contact with schools where appropriate and necessary.
*Please ensure your contact information with the school is up to date / call the office 059 8627226 as soon as possible to provide any changes to to your contact information*
Please follow www.hse.ie / www.gov.ie/health for up to date information as the situation continues to change.
Many thanks,
Rory Stapleton

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Please see the letter avove for parental advice on the recent Covid - 19 - Coronavirus from the Chief Medical Officer of the Department of Health as issued to all schools.
Please see the following link to view a statement by the National Public Health Emergency Team. The link also outlines further helpful information, tips and best practice in relation to Covid - 19 Coronavirus.
All schools are observing best practice and monitoring the situation as it develops. www.hse.ie for up to date information.
Please see the following link to view a statement by the National Public Health Emergency Team. The link also outlines further helpful information, tips and best practice in relation to Covid - 19 Coronavirus.
All schools are observing best practice and monitoring the situation as it develops. www.hse.ie for up to date information.
School Christmas Shows
'Eddie The Penguin Saves The World' & 'Sherlock & Cinders!'
The children from Junior Infants - 6th Class brought their incredible talent to the wonderful setting of St. Anne's Hall Ballylinan the 12th and 13th of December. All our children played their part in making the shows such an amazing success. Both the junior show 'Eddie the Penguin Saves The World' and our senior play 'Sherlock & Cinders' wowed the crowds in Ballylinan Hall and were a true reflection of the stellar talent of our student body and the expertise and enthusiasm of our staff in Ballyadams N.S. Below are images captured by our school photographer on the night.
School Bric A Brac Christmas Fair December 2019 :-)
Christmas Shows 2019
We are delighted to present our Christmas Shows. Eddie the Penguin will be performed by our Infant - 2nd Classes and Sherlock and Cinders will be performed by the children from 3rd - 6th Class.
The shows take place in Ballylinan Hall Thursday the 12th and Friday the 13th of December with a start time of 7pm.
Please contact Pam in the office to reserve tickets for what promises to be a special night in our school calendar.
There will be complementary spot prizes for all ticket holders on both evenings of the shows. Children partaking in the Junior Show may be either collected directly after their show or will be allocated a complementary seat with their families to watch the senior show provided the seat is requested in advance.
Thanks to all for supporting our Christmas Shows.
The shows take place in Ballylinan Hall Thursday the 12th and Friday the 13th of December with a start time of 7pm.
Please contact Pam in the office to reserve tickets for what promises to be a special night in our school calendar.
There will be complementary spot prizes for all ticket holders on both evenings of the shows. Children partaking in the Junior Show may be either collected directly after their show or will be allocated a complementary seat with their families to watch the senior show provided the seat is requested in advance.
Thanks to all for supporting our Christmas Shows.
School Closure Thursday 5th December 2019
Please note the school will be closed Thursday 5th December. This is due to the E.S.B carrying out network upgrades. There will be no electricity and heat in the school Thursday as a result. School will re - open Friday 6th. Apologies for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding.
Science Week 2019
The children in 3rd and 4th Class are pictured below constructing and testing their home grown parachutes. Excellent teamwork, creativity and learning.
Halloween Parade October 25th 2019
Please see our Photo Gallery section of the website in the top search bar for incredible pictures of our memorable Halloween Parade.
Green Fingers!
Our 2019/20 Green Schools Committee were busy bees planting a swathe of daffodil bulbs.
Laois Primary Debating Championships October 2019 6th Class Ballyadams. vs Shanahoe.
Our 6th claimed honors in the opening round of the Laois Regional Debating Championships Wednesday 9th October. Team Captain Timmy Byrne and speakers Abby O'Brien & Anna Delahunt successfully opposed the motion 'Homework is a waste of time' versus Shanahoe N.S. It was a delight to welcome Principal Richie Connor and his 5th & 6th Class to Ballyadams. Both teams showed tremendous preparadness and organisation and Head Judge Padraig Ashe complemented both schools for the quality of their debating skills. In Ballyadams fashion we welcomed our guests and celebrated with a healthy mix of melon, water melon and pineapple chunks. Thanks to Ms Holden for preparing the class for the debate and we are eagerly looking forward to the next round.
Understanding Self Harm Parent Seminar
Understanding Self - Harm Seminar Tuesday 8th October 2019 takes place in Laois Education Centre. Booking details for parents interested in attending are in the attachment below. Please call the office for further information.

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New School Year 2019/20
We hope all our pupils and families enjoyed a wonderful Summer. We look forward to welcoming back all our pupils next Thursday 29th August.
1st - 6th Classes will begin their day at 9.20am.
We are especially excited to welcome our new Junior Infant class to Ballyadams. Junior Infants will begin their school day at 9.30am and finish at 12pm Thursday, Friday and the following week.
Best wishes and every blessing to all our school community for a productive and satisfying upcoming year in Ballyadams N.S.
1st - 6th Classes will begin their day at 9.20am.
We are especially excited to welcome our new Junior Infant class to Ballyadams. Junior Infants will begin their school day at 9.30am and finish at 12pm Thursday, Friday and the following week.
Best wishes and every blessing to all our school community for a productive and satisfying upcoming year in Ballyadams N.S.
June 2019 Newsletter

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Stampede Drumming Workshop
On Friday 8th February St.Joseph's N.S Ballyadams welcomed guest music tutors Eddie & Ollie from Music Generation to our school. The children took great delight partaking in the 'Stampede Drumming Workshop' on the day. Classes from 3rd - 6th took part in a series of body percussion & samba drumming activities whilst sampling a range of instruments. The theme of the visit was 'Playing the Samba at the Rio Carnival'. Well done to all our budding musicians and thanks to Music Generation for making the day possible. See photos of the visit featured in the Photo Gallery section of our website.
On Friday 8th February St.Joseph's N.S Ballyadams welcomed guest music tutors Eddie & Ollie from Music Generation to our school. The children took great delight partaking in the 'Stampede Drumming Workshop' on the day. Classes from 3rd - 6th took part in a series of body percussion & samba drumming activities whilst sampling a range of instruments. The theme of the visit was 'Playing the Samba at the Rio Carnival'. Well done to all our budding musicians and thanks to Music Generation for making the day possible. See photos of the visit featured in the Photo Gallery section of our website.
Friendship Week
Our school participated in celebrating welcoming and friendship with Amnesty Ireland from the 29th of April to the 3rd of May. Each class participated in various activities to build friendships such as co-operative games and friendship art. We also had a ‘Kindness Commitee’ with each class represented and they helped in the fundraising for Amnesty International by selling wristbands to the pupils in the school. On Thursday we were very lucky to have two special visitors. Maeve Flynn, a horticulturist with Laois County Council came and gave the children an insight into her work and each class then planted their own sapling tree. We also had another very special visitor in Kathleen O’ Connor. The children shared friendship stories with Kathleen and told her all about our ‘Buddy Benches’. The children really enjoyed the week. See Photo Gallery for photographs from the week.
Our school participated in celebrating welcoming and friendship with Amnesty Ireland from the 29th of April to the 3rd of May. Each class participated in various activities to build friendships such as co-operative games and friendship art. We also had a ‘Kindness Commitee’ with each class represented and they helped in the fundraising for Amnesty International by selling wristbands to the pupils in the school. On Thursday we were very lucky to have two special visitors. Maeve Flynn, a horticulturist with Laois County Council came and gave the children an insight into her work and each class then planted their own sapling tree. We also had another very special visitor in Kathleen O’ Connor. The children shared friendship stories with Kathleen and told her all about our ‘Buddy Benches’. The children really enjoyed the week. See Photo Gallery for photographs from the week.
Aldi I.R.FU Schools Play Rugby Sticker Collection
Help us reach our target of 300 stickers to earn prizes for our school! Many thanks for your support.
www.aldi.ie/playrugby for more details
www.aldi.ie/playrugby for more details
Grandparents Day 30/01/2019
On Wednesday last the children were very excited to welcome their grandparents to school. Our senior classes were given an excellent insight into the experiences their grandparents had whilst in school, and the junior classes engaged in activities such as storytelling, board games and card games. It was an extremely enjoyable day for all. We can't wait for next year already!! For photographs of the day see the album in the Photo Gallery section above.

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Christmas Carol Service
This year our Christmas Carol Service will take place in St.Joseph's Church Ballyadams Tuesday the 18th of December at 7.30pm.
Santa Dash!
Our 'Santa Dash' fun run/walk will take place Wednesday the 19th of December. All families are invited to attend. Details of the Santa Dash starting times and all Christmas Week events are in the December newsletter which you can download from the website at your convenience.
This year our Christmas Carol Service will take place in St.Joseph's Church Ballyadams Tuesday the 18th of December at 7.30pm.
Santa Dash!
Our 'Santa Dash' fun run/walk will take place Wednesday the 19th of December. All families are invited to attend. Details of the Santa Dash starting times and all Christmas Week events are in the December newsletter which you can download from the website at your convenience.
Christmas Raffle
Our Christmas Raffle will take place Wednesday the 19th December. Please support the raffle and contact Pamela in the office for extra tickets! It promises to be a great occasion and we appreciate your generous support.
Our Christmas Raffle will take place Wednesday the 19th December. Please support the raffle and contact Pamela in the office for extra tickets! It promises to be a great occasion and we appreciate your generous support.
Book Lists
The 2018/2019 Book Lists are now available to download on the website. Please go to the Parents' page to view.
Book Lists
The 2018/2019 Book Lists are now available to download on the website. Please go to the Parents' page to view.
5th and 6th Class School Tour - Baysports, Athlone
5th and 6th Class School Tour - Baysports, Athlone
2nd, 3rd and 4th Class School Tour - Fort Lucan
2nd, 3rd and 4th Class School Tour - Fort Lucan
Active Flag
We got to raise our Active Flag today in Ballyadams. After all the hard work and effort that has gone in to achieving this flag, it was wonderful to see our school community gathered together to celebrate. Thank you to our brilliant committee, who were superbly guided by our Active School Co-Ordinator, Ms. Walsh. We were lucky to have Laois Senior footballer Colm Begley with us to raise our flag. The children were decked out in their Laois colours to wish Colm and his teammates the best of luck in Sunday's Leinster Final. Please check out the Laois Today website for a report and more photos. There will be more photos in next week's Leinster Express.
Active Flag
We got to raise our Active Flag today in Ballyadams. After all the hard work and effort that has gone in to achieving this flag, it was wonderful to see our school community gathered together to celebrate. Thank you to our brilliant committee, who were superbly guided by our Active School Co-Ordinator, Ms. Walsh. We were lucky to have Laois Senior footballer Colm Begley with us to raise our flag. The children were decked out in their Laois colours to wish Colm and his teammates the best of luck in Sunday's Leinster Final. Please check out the Laois Today website for a report and more photos. There will be more photos in next week's Leinster Express.
June Newsletter
Please find the June Newsletter attached.
June Newsletter
Please find the June Newsletter attached.

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Hurling Final
Hard luck to our gallant hurlers who were defeated after extra-time in the Roinn 3 Final last Wednesday. Trailing at half time, the boys played brilliantly in the 2nd half and were leading with moments to go. Unfortunately, a strong Heath side managed to level the game with the last puck of the game, thus ensuring extra-time had to be played. At the end of a pulsating game, we ended up on the losing side by a margin of just two points. Parents, teachers, pupils and supporters were extremely proud of our team's efforts. Pictured below is our team pre-match and our goalkeeper, Reese, receiving the man of the match award after the game.
Hurling Final
Hard luck to our gallant hurlers who were defeated after extra-time in the Roinn 3 Final last Wednesday. Trailing at half time, the boys played brilliantly in the 2nd half and were leading with moments to go. Unfortunately, a strong Heath side managed to level the game with the last puck of the game, thus ensuring extra-time had to be played. At the end of a pulsating game, we ended up on the losing side by a margin of just two points. Parents, teachers, pupils and supporters were extremely proud of our team's efforts. Pictured below is our team pre-match and our goalkeeper, Reese, receiving the man of the match award after the game.
School Calendar 2018/2019
Reopening - Thursday August 30th
October Mid-Term - October 29th to November 2nd
Christmas Holidays - Close December 21st and reopen January 7th
February Mid-Term - February 18th to 22nd (full week)
St. Patrick's Bank Holiday - March 18th
Easter Holidays - Close on April 12th and reopen on April 29th
May Bank Holiday Monday
June Bank Holiday - Monday June 3rd and Tuesday June 4th
Summer Holidays - Close on Friday June 28th
School Calendar 2018/2019
Reopening - Thursday August 30th
October Mid-Term - October 29th to November 2nd
Christmas Holidays - Close December 21st and reopen January 7th
February Mid-Term - February 18th to 22nd (full week)
St. Patrick's Bank Holiday - March 18th
Easter Holidays - Close on April 12th and reopen on April 29th
May Bank Holiday Monday
June Bank Holiday - Monday June 3rd and Tuesday June 4th
Summer Holidays - Close on Friday June 28th
Well done Noah!
3rd Class pupil Noah Meredith last week wrote to Laois County Council to state his displeasure at the sight of so much rubbish and waste discarded on the side of the road. In response, Laois County Council invited Noah to Áras an Chontae to help launch 'Clean Up Laois Week'. He was also given a clean-up pack to help him get started in Ballyadams. Noah invites any other pupils or parents to help him clean up our locality next week. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday of next week, you are invited to meet at the Church Car Park at 3pm to help Noah. Please wear a high vis vest if you have one. The link to Noah's letter is below,
Well done Noah!
3rd Class pupil Noah Meredith last week wrote to Laois County Council to state his displeasure at the sight of so much rubbish and waste discarded on the side of the road. In response, Laois County Council invited Noah to Áras an Chontae to help launch 'Clean Up Laois Week'. He was also given a clean-up pack to help him get started in Ballyadams. Noah invites any other pupils or parents to help him clean up our locality next week. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday of next week, you are invited to meet at the Church Car Park at 3pm to help Noah. Please wear a high vis vest if you have one. The link to Noah's letter is below,
April Newsletter
Please find the April Newsletter attached.
April Newsletter
Please find the April Newsletter attached.

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Active School Committee
Ms Walsh and the Active School Committee have been very busy in recent weeks and months as we continue to work towards our Active Flag. Remember that we have Active Week all next week (April 23rd - 27th).
We invite you to have a look at our Active School webpage on the website.
Active School Committee
Ms Walsh and the Active School Committee have been very busy in recent weeks and months as we continue to work towards our Active Flag. Remember that we have Active Week all next week (April 23rd - 27th).
We invite you to have a look at our Active School webpage on the website.
Friendship Week
We had Friendship Week in school this week. We hope that every pupil in Ballyadams NS now understands how important it is to be nice to each other. We understand that we can’t be close friends or best friends with everyone, but we should always try to include others, be friendly and most importantly, treat each other with respect. Well done to all the pupils and teachers for taking part. Below are some pictures from our whole school assembly today.
Friendship Week
We had Friendship Week in school this week. We hope that every pupil in Ballyadams NS now understands how important it is to be nice to each other. We understand that we can’t be close friends or best friends with everyone, but we should always try to include others, be friendly and most importantly, treat each other with respect. Well done to all the pupils and teachers for taking part. Below are some pictures from our whole school assembly today.
Debating - 5th and 6th Class
Mr Fitzgerald's 5th and 6th Class travelled over to St. Colman's N.S., Stradbally to debate 7 motions with the host school in a non-competitive format. The boys and girls performed brilliantly on the day and all their preparation paid off. Maith sibh! Thank you to our two adjudicators; Cllr Padraig Fleming and Sean Dempsey.
Debating - 5th and 6th Class
Mr Fitzgerald's 5th and 6th Class travelled over to St. Colman's N.S., Stradbally to debate 7 motions with the host school in a non-competitive format. The boys and girls performed brilliantly on the day and all their preparation paid off. Maith sibh! Thank you to our two adjudicators; Cllr Padraig Fleming and Sean Dempsey.
February Newsletter
Please click on the link below t view our February Newsletter.
February Newsletter
Please click on the link below t view our February Newsletter.

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Santa Dash
Our Active School Committee organised a 3.3km 'Santa Dash' in aid of St. Vincent de Paul today. Each child completed the full route and a great time was had by all. Thank you to all the parents that came along to help steward and support the event. Pictured below are the first three pupils to complete the run; Eoin, Jack and Timmy. Maith sibh! There are more photos on the Active School Page.
Santa Dash
Our Active School Committee organised a 3.3km 'Santa Dash' in aid of St. Vincent de Paul today. Each child completed the full route and a great time was had by all. Thank you to all the parents that came along to help steward and support the event. Pictured below are the first three pupils to complete the run; Eoin, Jack and Timmy. Maith sibh! There are more photos on the Active School Page.
December Newsletter
Our December Newsletter is now available for download.
December Newsletter
Our December Newsletter is now available for download.

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Halloween 2017
We had a great day in the school last Friday as our annual Fancy Dress Halloween Walk took place. The homemade costumes on display were superb. Thank you to the Parents' Council for helping to decorate the school, organise the walk and provide treats for the children afterwards. A great day was had by all! There are pictures of the day in the Photo Gallery section of the website. Please click on the link below to view.
Halloween 2017
We had a great day in the school last Friday as our annual Fancy Dress Halloween Walk took place. The homemade costumes on display were superb. Thank you to the Parents' Council for helping to decorate the school, organise the walk and provide treats for the children afterwards. A great day was had by all! There are pictures of the day in the Photo Gallery section of the website. Please click on the link below to view.
Football Final - October 26th 2017
Our boys' A Football team qualified for the Roinn 2 final on Thursday last against St. Colman's N.S., Stradbally. The game was played in front of a big crowd in the county grounds, O'Moore Park. To a man, they were fantastic and they played their hearts out on the day. However, it wasn't to be and we were defeated by the smallest of margins; one point. The final score was Ballyadams NS 0:07 St. Colman's N.S. 2:02.
We were the smallest school competing at this level and to come so close to winning is a huge achievement. Well done boys and we're very proud of you. Please click on the link below to read the match report from Laois Today.
Football Final - October 26th 2017
Our boys' A Football team qualified for the Roinn 2 final on Thursday last against St. Colman's N.S., Stradbally. The game was played in front of a big crowd in the county grounds, O'Moore Park. To a man, they were fantastic and they played their hearts out on the day. However, it wasn't to be and we were defeated by the smallest of margins; one point. The final score was Ballyadams NS 0:07 St. Colman's N.S. 2:02.
We were the smallest school competing at this level and to come so close to winning is a huge achievement. Well done boys and we're very proud of you. Please click on the link below to read the match report from Laois Today.
October Newsletter
Please find the October Newsletter attached below.
October Newsletter
Please find the October Newsletter attached below.

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Active Treasure Hunt
Our Active Schools Committee organised a super active treasure hunt for the whole school on Friday last, September 29th to celebrate National Active Day. There are photographs of the day on our Active Schools page. Well done to Ms Walsh, Ms Rowan and all our committee members. Keep up the good work and let's stay active!
Active Treasure Hunt
Our Active Schools Committee organised a super active treasure hunt for the whole school on Friday last, September 29th to celebrate National Active Day. There are photographs of the day on our Active Schools page. Well done to Ms Walsh, Ms Rowan and all our committee members. Keep up the good work and let's stay active!
PE and Tracksuit Days
Pupils are asked to wear their school tracksuits on the following days;
Ms Walsh's - Monday to Friday
Mr Mullooly's - Monday, Thursday and Friday
Ms Rowan's - Tuesday and Friday
Ms Kirwan's - Tuesday and Thursday
Mr Fitzgerald - Tuesday and Thursday
These days are subject to change. At different times of the year, the children will be doing various activities i.e. football, rugby, swimming etc.
PE and Tracksuit Days
Pupils are asked to wear their school tracksuits on the following days;
Ms Walsh's - Monday to Friday
Mr Mullooly's - Monday, Thursday and Friday
Ms Rowan's - Tuesday and Friday
Ms Kirwan's - Tuesday and Thursday
Mr Fitzgerald - Tuesday and Thursday
These days are subject to change. At different times of the year, the children will be doing various activities i.e. football, rugby, swimming etc.
September Newsletter
Please find the September Newsletter attached.
September Newsletter
Please find the September Newsletter attached.

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Healthy Eating
The HSE has published a new 'Healthy Food for Life' pack designed for pupils and parents. It contains the new healthy eating guidelines, revised Food Pyramid and a large range of other relevant and useful materials. Please click on the link below to view and download.
Healthy Eating
The HSE has published a new 'Healthy Food for Life' pack designed for pupils and parents. It contains the new healthy eating guidelines, revised Food Pyramid and a large range of other relevant and useful materials. Please click on the link below to view and download.
Parenting Workshops
Please find a flier attached with information on upcoming parental workshops given by Triple P Parenting. All workshops are free of charge.
Parenting Workshops
Please find a flier attached with information on upcoming parental workshops given by Triple P Parenting. All workshops are free of charge.

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Book Lists
Book lists for the 2017/2018 school year are now uploaded to the Parents' section of the website.
Book Lists
Book lists for the 2017/2018 school year are now uploaded to the Parents' section of the website.
Write A Book
Mrs Murray's 5th Class and Mrs Burke's 1st Class English groups entered the Write A Book competition this year. Each child had to write their very own book. 5th Class pupil Aisling Redmond and 1st Class pupil Sophie Rainey both received merit awards after their books were chosen by independent adjudicators. The girls received their award at a presentation ceremony in the Midland Park Hotel last night. Well done girls.
Write A Book
Mrs Murray's 5th Class and Mrs Burke's 1st Class English groups entered the Write A Book competition this year. Each child had to write their very own book. 5th Class pupil Aisling Redmond and 1st Class pupil Sophie Rainey both received merit awards after their books were chosen by independent adjudicators. The girls received their award at a presentation ceremony in the Midland Park Hotel last night. Well done girls.
Junior Infants, Senior Infants and 1st Class School Tour
Junior Infants, Senior Infants and 1st Class had a great day out at Nore Valley Park yesterday on their school tour. There are a number of photographs on the photo gallery section of the website.
June Newsletter
Please find the June newsletter attached.
June Newsletter
Please find the June newsletter attached.

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2017/2018 School Calendar
The 2017/2018 School Calendar is now available in the Parent section of our website.
2017/2018 School Calendar
The 2017/2018 School Calendar is now available in the Parent section of our website.
First Holy Communion
Congratulations to all our 2nd Class pupils who received their First Holy Communion on Saturday. We hope they had a lovely day. Thank you to the parents, Fr Dunne and Mr Mullooly for helping to prepare the children for the big day. We'd also like to acknowledge our wonderful choir for their lovely singing on the day and thank Ms Walsh and Ms Holden for preparing them.
First Holy Communion
Congratulations to all our 2nd Class pupils who received their First Holy Communion on Saturday. We hope they had a lovely day. Thank you to the parents, Fr Dunne and Mr Mullooly for helping to prepare the children for the big day. We'd also like to acknowledge our wonderful choir for their lovely singing on the day and thank Ms Walsh and Ms Holden for preparing them.
STEM Awards
We recently applied for the Discover Primary Science and Maths STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) Plaque of Excellence. Please visit our STEM page to view our application.
Shaw's School Uniforms
Our school uniform supplier Shaw's Athy have asked us to inform you of their various payment solutions for the coming year. We've attached the letter they sent below.
Shaw's School Uniforms
Our school uniform supplier Shaw's Athy have asked us to inform you of their various payment solutions for the coming year. We've attached the letter they sent below.

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April Newsletter
Please find our April Newsletter attached.
April Newsletter
Please find our April Newsletter attached.

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Simi Simi App
The article below was published in the Irish Times over the weekend. It warns parents of the dangers of a new app called 'Simi Simi'.
Simi Simi App
The article below was published in the Irish Times over the weekend. It warns parents of the dangers of a new app called 'Simi Simi'.
St. Abban's Quiz
Well done to our 6th Class pupils Amy, Caoimhe, Katie and Patrick who were 2nd place in the St. Abban's Quiz last night.
St. Abban's Quiz
Well done to our 6th Class pupils Amy, Caoimhe, Katie and Patrick who were 2nd place in the St. Abban's Quiz last night.
Parents' Council Meeting
A meeting of the Parents' Council will take place on Monday February 27th at 8:30pm in the school. Please visit the Parents' Council page to view the agenda.
Parents' Council Meeting
A meeting of the Parents' Council will take place on Monday February 27th at 8:30pm in the school. Please visit the Parents' Council page to view the agenda.
NPC Parents' Survey
The National Parents Council Primary has been invited by the Minister for Education and Skills to submit the views of the organisation on “the Role of denominational religions in the school admissions process and possible approaches for making changes” to same.
In advance of making this submission we are consulting parents via this survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RoleOfReligioninSchoolAdmissions
NPC Parents' Survey
The National Parents Council Primary has been invited by the Minister for Education and Skills to submit the views of the organisation on “the Role of denominational religions in the school admissions process and possible approaches for making changes” to same.
In advance of making this submission we are consulting parents via this survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RoleOfReligioninSchoolAdmissions
January Newsletter
Please find our January Newsletter attached.
January Newsletter
Please find our January Newsletter attached.

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RDS Primary Science Fair
4th Class and 5th Class had a wonderful day out at the RDS Primary Science Fair in Mary Immaculate College Limerick yesterday. They saw and participated in lots of fun science activities. The judges were very impressed with their project, 'Why Don't I Fall Out When The Roller Coaster Loops The Loop?' Thank you to Mrs Murray in particular for facilitating the project and ensuring the children got to enjoy such a wonderful experience. Please go to our photo gallery section on the website to see some pictures from the day.
RDS Primary Science Fair
4th Class and 5th Class had a wonderful day out at the RDS Primary Science Fair in Mary Immaculate College Limerick yesterday. They saw and participated in lots of fun science activities. The judges were very impressed with their project, 'Why Don't I Fall Out When The Roller Coaster Loops The Loop?' Thank you to Mrs Murray in particular for facilitating the project and ensuring the children got to enjoy such a wonderful experience. Please go to our photo gallery section on the website to see some pictures from the day.
NPC Survey - Weight of Schoolbags
The National Parents' Council are asking parents to complete the short survey attached on the weight of your children's schoolbags.
NPC Survey - Weight of Schoolbags
The National Parents' Council are asking parents to complete the short survey attached on the weight of your children's schoolbags.
Parent Well-Being, Self-Care and Mindfulness
Laois Education Centre are running a three week course free of charge on the above topic. It is starting next week and booking is essential. Please see the document attached for details.
Parent Well-Being, Self-Care and Mindfulness
Laois Education Centre are running a three week course free of charge on the above topic. It is starting next week and booking is essential. Please see the document attached for details.

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Webwise Internet Safety Survey
Dear Parent,
In every aspect of development, from learning to cross the road, ride a bike or swim, we teach, guide and support our children. It should be no different when it comes to their online lives. Please take the time to complete this short survey about your children’s use of the internet so that we can best support you to have a positive impact in this important aspect of their lives.
You can access the survey by clicking on this link, it will be open until 14th January 2017: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NXB5RNR
Best regards,
Simon Grehan
PDST Technology in Education.
Dublin City University,
Dublin 9, Ireland.
Webwise Internet Safety Survey
Dear Parent,
In every aspect of development, from learning to cross the road, ride a bike or swim, we teach, guide and support our children. It should be no different when it comes to their online lives. Please take the time to complete this short survey about your children’s use of the internet so that we can best support you to have a positive impact in this important aspect of their lives.
You can access the survey by clicking on this link, it will be open until 14th January 2017: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NXB5RNR
Best regards,
Simon Grehan
PDST Technology in Education.
Dublin City University,
Dublin 9, Ireland.
Christmas Performances
Well done to all our pupils who provided such great entertainment for the school community yesterday afternoon. Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and members of the community who turned out in such great numbers to support the school. There are some photographs from yesterday in the Photo Gallery section of the website.
Christmas Performances
Well done to all our pupils who provided such great entertainment for the school community yesterday afternoon. Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and members of the community who turned out in such great numbers to support the school. There are some photographs from yesterday in the Photo Gallery section of the website.
6th Class Debating
6th Class welcomed their counterparts from St. Colman's N.S., Stradbally to the school last Friday to debate 6 motions. It was a fantastic exercise for the pupils as they got to experience public speaking and formal debating for the first time. They exceeded expectations on the day and the adjudacators commented on the exceptional abilty and confidence on display. Well done to them all. Congratualtions also to Katie Brennan who was given the award of Best Speaker on the day.
Thank you also to our adjudacators Sean Dempsey and Cllr Padraig Fleming. Finally, thank you to Ms. Roisín Brennan and 6th Class from St. Colman's N.S.
6th Class Debating
6th Class welcomed their counterparts from St. Colman's N.S., Stradbally to the school last Friday to debate 6 motions. It was a fantastic exercise for the pupils as they got to experience public speaking and formal debating for the first time. They exceeded expectations on the day and the adjudacators commented on the exceptional abilty and confidence on display. Well done to them all. Congratualtions also to Katie Brennan who was given the award of Best Speaker on the day.
Thank you also to our adjudacators Sean Dempsey and Cllr Padraig Fleming. Finally, thank you to Ms. Roisín Brennan and 6th Class from St. Colman's N.S.
Well done Katie-May
Congratulations to our Senior Infant pupil Katie-May Thompson who travelled to Dublin yesterday to receive her prize for the Macra na Feirme Farm Safety Art Competition. It was a super achievment for Katie-May and we're assured she had a great day yesterday!
Christmas Performance
As stated in the last newsletter, each class will perform song songs, poems etc. on Tuesday next, Dec 20th to celebrate Christmas. The performances will commence at 12:30pm in the school hall. Parents and guests are welcome to attend.
Christmas Performance
As stated in the last newsletter, each class will perform song songs, poems etc. on Tuesday next, Dec 20th to celebrate Christmas. The performances will commence at 12:30pm in the school hall. Parents and guests are welcome to attend.
Please find our latest newsletter attached.
Please find our latest newsletter attached.

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School Calendar 2017
Here is a sneak preview at some of the lovely photos on our 2017 school calendar. Thank you once more to Kathleen Crosby for putting it all together. Please contact the office ASAP to place your order and avoid disappointment.
School Calendar 2017
Here is a sneak preview at some of the lovely photos on our 2017 school calendar. Thank you once more to Kathleen Crosby for putting it all together. Please contact the office ASAP to place your order and avoid disappointment.
NPC Survey - Rural Schools
The National Parents Council Primary has been asked to address the Joint Committee on Arts, Heritage, Regional Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs on staffing and pupil ratios, facilities and transport in Rural and Island schools.
We have therefore compiled a short survey to find out more from parents of children who attend rural and island schools.
Please click this link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Rural_or_Island_Schools to take the very short survey. The closing date for this survey is 11.45pm on Thursday the 24th of November 2016.
Anti-Bulling Week
Please visit the 6th Class page and take a moment to read through some of the poems written by the pupils which highlight the impact bullying can have on people.
Anti-Bulling Week
Please visit the 6th Class page and take a moment to read through some of the poems written by the pupils which highlight the impact bullying can have on people.
NPC Survey - School Uniforms
The Department of Education and Skills is developing a directive to schools regarding school uniform policy and other associated costs.
As part of a consultation process, the Department has given the National Parents Council Primary the opportunity to give its observations, comments and suggestions on this issue.
In order to provide observations they are surveying parents to get your views on school uniforms and other associated costs.
Click this link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SchoolUniformCosts to take part in this short survey.
The survey will close on the evening of Wednesday the 23rd of November 2016.
NPC Survey - School Uniforms
The Department of Education and Skills is developing a directive to schools regarding school uniform policy and other associated costs.
As part of a consultation process, the Department has given the National Parents Council Primary the opportunity to give its observations, comments and suggestions on this issue.
In order to provide observations they are surveying parents to get your views on school uniforms and other associated costs.
Click this link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SchoolUniformCosts to take part in this short survey.
The survey will close on the evening of Wednesday the 23rd of November 2016.
School Closure - Thursday November 10th
Reminder to parents that the school will close this coming Thursday November 10th to allow for teacher in-service on the new Primary Language Curriculum.
School Closure - Thursday November 10th
Reminder to parents that the school will close this coming Thursday November 10th to allow for teacher in-service on the new Primary Language Curriculum.
Special Education Conference for Parents
National Parents Council Primary are holding their Special Education Conference for parents of children with special educational needs on Saturday the 12th of November 2016 in the Ashling Hotel, Dublin (near Heuston Station) from 10.30am to 4pm. This notice has been sent to all Special School members and those members who are listed as parents of children with Special Education needs in mainstream schools.
All parents who are interested are welcome to attend (members and non members). Admission is Free.
Please see the attached invitation for further information.
To book a place at this conference please click this link: http://npc.ie/register_special_education_conference_2016.aspx
Michelle Davern
Special Education Conference for Parents
National Parents Council Primary are holding their Special Education Conference for parents of children with special educational needs on Saturday the 12th of November 2016 in the Ashling Hotel, Dublin (near Heuston Station) from 10.30am to 4pm. This notice has been sent to all Special School members and those members who are listed as parents of children with Special Education needs in mainstream schools.
All parents who are interested are welcome to attend (members and non members). Admission is Free.
Please see the attached invitation for further information.
To book a place at this conference please click this link: http://npc.ie/register_special_education_conference_2016.aspx
Michelle Davern
Halloween Walk
Last Friday's Halloween Walk was once again a great success. The costumes on display were magnificent, and the children, parents and teachers really got into the spirit of the day. Thank you to the Parents' Council for organising the sponsorship cards and treats for the children. Thank you also to the parents and wider community for your continued support of our fundraising efforts. There are pictures of the day in the Photo Gallery section of the website.
Halloween Walk
Last Friday's Halloween Walk was once again a great success. The costumes on display were magnificent, and the children, parents and teachers really got into the spirit of the day. Thank you to the Parents' Council for organising the sponsorship cards and treats for the children. Thank you also to the parents and wider community for your continued support of our fundraising efforts. There are pictures of the day in the Photo Gallery section of the website.
Girls Football Final
Hard luck to our Girls Football team who lost their final yesterday. The girls have been brilliant throughout the campaign and they've represented our school with great honour. Thank you to Ms Walsh for all the time she has freely given in preparing the team. There's a set of photographs from the final in our Photo Gallery section.
Girls Football Final
Hard luck to our Girls Football team who lost their final yesterday. The girls have been brilliant throughout the campaign and they've represented our school with great honour. Thank you to Ms Walsh for all the time she has freely given in preparing the team. There's a set of photographs from the final in our Photo Gallery section.
October Newsletter
Please find our October Newsletter attached.
October Newsletter
Please find our October Newsletter attached.

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GOAL Jersey Day
Once again, the school will take part in GOAL’s annual Jersey Day this coming Friday, October 14th. This year, the focus is on Gambella in Ethiopia, where GOAL has been working with South Sudanese refugees since 2013. GOAL is leading a lifesaving nutrition programme in refugee camps where malnutrition levels are high, particularly among children. Each child is asked to bring in €2 or whatever you deem appropriate. The children are invited to don their favourite jersey/tracksuit/hoodie for the fun event.
GOAL Jersey Day
Once again, the school will take part in GOAL’s annual Jersey Day this coming Friday, October 14th. This year, the focus is on Gambella in Ethiopia, where GOAL has been working with South Sudanese refugees since 2013. GOAL is leading a lifesaving nutrition programme in refugee camps where malnutrition levels are high, particularly among children. Each child is asked to bring in €2 or whatever you deem appropriate. The children are invited to don their favourite jersey/tracksuit/hoodie for the fun event.
Parents' Council Meeting
A meeting of the Parents' Council will take place on Monday next, October 10th at 8:30pm in the school.
Parents' Council Meeting
A meeting of the Parents' Council will take place on Monday next, October 10th at 8:30pm in the school.

Early Closure - Wednesday September 28th
Reminder to parents that the school will close at 12:15pm this coming Wednesday September 28th to allow the staff attend in-service on the new religious education programme, Grow in Love. Buses will run as normal at 12:15pm.
Athy Lions Club Cycle
Our school will once again participate in the Athy Lions Club Cycle Rally on October 2nd. Sponsorship cards will be handed out to the children today. 90% of funds raised goes directly to the school.
Parents' Council
The AGM of the Parents' Council took place in the school last night. Please visit our Parents tab to view details of officers elected for the year ahead. Thank you once more to outgoing Chairperson Kathleen Crosby for her wonderful contribution over the years.
Early Closure - Wednesday September 28th
Reminder to parents that the school will close at 12:15pm this coming Wednesday September 28th to allow the staff attend in-service on the new religious education programme, Grow in Love. Buses will run as normal at 12:15pm.
Athy Lions Club Cycle
Our school will once again participate in the Athy Lions Club Cycle Rally on October 2nd. Sponsorship cards will be handed out to the children today. 90% of funds raised goes directly to the school.
Parents' Council
The AGM of the Parents' Council took place in the school last night. Please visit our Parents tab to view details of officers elected for the year ahead. Thank you once more to outgoing Chairperson Kathleen Crosby for her wonderful contribution over the years.
All Ireland Football Final Tickets
Congratulations to the Joyce family on winning the two All Ireland Final tickets in our draw yesterday. Thank you to all those who bought and sold tickets, it was a tremendous success, raising €1180. This money will go towards the cost of buses to school events throughout the year.
St. Abban's Cross Country
Well done to all our runners who competed so well at the St. Abban's Cross Country yesterday. We enjoyed great success across the board and there were some superb individual and team performances. Everyone had great fun and we'd like to thank St. Abban's A.C. for organising the event. There are some photographs in the Photo Gallery section of the website.
St. Abban's Cross Country
Well done to all our runners who competed so well at the St. Abban's Cross Country yesterday. We enjoyed great success across the board and there were some superb individual and team performances. Everyone had great fun and we'd like to thank St. Abban's A.C. for organising the event. There are some photographs in the Photo Gallery section of the website.
Parents Council AGM
The AGM of the Parents Council will take place on Monday September 19th at 8:30pm in the school. All parents are most welcome to attend. We look forward to seeing you.
Parents Council AGM
The AGM of the Parents Council will take place on Monday September 19th at 8:30pm in the school. All parents are most welcome to attend. We look forward to seeing you.
Win two tickets to the All Ireland Football Final this coming Sunday!
We have two tickets to raffle. Raffle tickets cost €2 each and the draw will take place in the school on Thursday afternoon. Best of luck!
Win two tickets to the All Ireland Football Final this coming Sunday!
We have two tickets to raffle. Raffle tickets cost €2 each and the draw will take place in the school on Thursday afternoon. Best of luck!
Please click on the link below to download our September newsletter.
Please click on the link below to download our September newsletter.

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File Size: | 141 kb |
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Our school reopens on Wednesday August 31st at 9:20 am. We especially look forward to greeting our new Infants. Reminder to parents of Junior Infants that their school day is from 9:30am to 12pm for the first week and a half.
Our school reopens on Wednesday August 31st at 9:20 am. We especially look forward to greeting our new Infants. Reminder to parents of Junior Infants that their school day is from 9:30am to 12pm for the first week and a half.